Links & Resources


Single Payer FAQs and Economic Studies

  • The Case for Medicare for All   (Public Citizen Feb 2019: an excellent, readable, documented summary of  questions and answers about national single payer)

Documentary Films

  • FIX IT: Healthcare at the Tipping Point 58 min. Takes an in-depth look into how our dysfunctional US healthcare system is damaging our economy, discouraging physicians and negatively impacting the nation’s health.
  • Critical Care: America vs. the World 56 min. This PBS special examines how four other nations achieve universal care for less money, with better outcomes.
  • The Health Care Movie 65 min. This documentary provides the real story of how the health care systems in Canada and the United States evolved to be so completely different.
  • Off the Table 23 min. How Canadian style Medicare could cover everyone without co-pays, deductibles or premiums, and remove a big obstacle labor faces in contract negotiations.
  • Big Pharma: Market Failure 51 min. Digs deep to answer key questions; among them, do free market principles impact drug prices and help control healthcare costs?
  • Big Money Agenda 45 min. Looks at the role of money in politics and Citizens United have had on impeding the success of healthcare reform in the United States, as well as common sense solutions that will get our democracy back on track.
  • Now is the Time 1 hr. 10 min. Delves into what single payer healthcare is, how it saves money, and what behind-the-scenes heroes are doing to clear the fog of misperception that keeps us from moving forward.
  • Sicko 2 hr. 4 min. Michael Moore’s 2007 full-length feature about the American healthcare system.
  • American Hospitals: Healing a Broken System 59 min. Takes a deep dive into the out-of-control cost of hospitals and their transformation into a money-driven big business. (Newer movie for community showing. Contact Tom Sincic:

Short Videos

Power Point Presentations:

Audio Interview


  • The Healing of America by T.R. Reid
  • Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter
  • Numerous books by John Geyman, M.D.

House Party Resources:

NFSP House Parties are a great way to involve our communities and advance our mission!  Click below for more resources, and get motivated to host a house party yourself or with a friend!