We engage with nurses, nursing organizations, and nursing schools in Oregon. Our main goal is to educate nurses about a single-payer, universal, publicly funded healthcare so that nurses engage nurses and the community in the movement to make it a reality. Currently, most of our activities are centered around the Portland metropolitan area.
Our activities include:
- Formal presentations at schools of nursing and professional organizations;
- Informational tabling;
- Lobbying at the state legislature with testimony;
- House parties;
- Rallies with our giant Big Nurse puppet; pr; co-sponsoring film showings;
- Encouraging nurses to take on leadership within nursing and health care reform organizations;
- Educating ourselves about the role of nurses in the single payer movement in other states;
- Collaborating with our colleagues at Health Care for All Oregon (HCAO) and Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP).
We know that nurses are strong and respected voices in their communities, and can be effective advocates for a single payer health system.